Berea-Furnace Maintenance

Watson Heating & Air

furnace maintenance in Berea, KY


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Watson Heating & Air

#1 for Heating Maintenance in Berea, KY With 5-Star Reviews

An HVAC unit can keep your home comfortable during chilly winters. However, you must take care of your heating system to create a cozy home environment. One of the most critical things you can do to maintain your heating system is hire a professional HVAC technician to tune up your heating unit.

Watson Heating & Air has decades of experience providing first-rate HVAC services to Berea, KY, homeowners. Our heating maintenance experts provide yearly tune-ups for our clients, ensuring that your heater works to the best of its ability. By cleaning your furnace, we improve the air quality of your home and allow you to stay warm during the winter.

Below, we will discuss warning signs that your heater needs a tune-up and describe how our services can help you get the most out of your furnace.

Do you need heating maintenance for your Berea, KY home?

call Watson Heating & Air at to schedule a furnace tune-up.

Watson Heating & Air

Signs You Need a Tune-Up

Your heater will let you know when it needs servicing. Below are the most common signs that it’s time for a system tune-up.

You Have an Outdated System

 It is time for a tune-up if your furnace is over 15 years old. Older furnaces are less efficient and may not run as safely as they should. If you have an outdated furnace, we recommend a few tune-ups annually.

Rising Energy Bills

If you notice your energy bills going up despite not overusing your heater, it could signify that your system requires maintenance. Our HVAC technicians can diagnose the issues and provide a long-lasting solution during our tune-up session.

Furnace Making Odd Noises

If your furnace makes strange noises, it is time to schedule a tune-up. Noises emanating from your heater could indicate issues with the fan blower or an electricity problem. When you hear sounds from your HVAC unit, you should call our professionals immediately.


Our licensed technicians will clean your heating unit during our furnace maintenance session. We will also inspect the furnace to ensure everything is in good working order. If we find any issues, we will make the necessary repairs. Scheduling regular tune-ups can help extend the life of your furnace and keep it running safely and efficiently.

Heater Preventative Maintenance

There are several benefits to getting a heater preventative maintenance tune-up. A tune-up can clean your burners and other parts of your furnace, clearing obstructions in your HVAC unit.

Save Money on Energy Bills

You could lower your energy bills by investing in heating maintenance. When you have an inefficient furnace, your HVAC unit will work harder than necessary to pump out hot air. As a result, your heating unit will exert more energy, costing you money.

Improved Air Quality

Additionally, a furnace tune-up can improve the indoor air quality in your home. During a tune-up, our technicians will clean your furnace’s blower and evaporator coils. Doing so will remove any dirt or dust build-up on these components. As a result, the air in your home will be cleaner and healthier to breathe.

DIY Tips

Homeowners should regularly replace their furnace’s filters to get ahead of potential issues. You can easily change your filters without professional help.

First, locate the filter. It will either be behind the front grille or inside the unit itself. Once you find it, use a screwdriver to remove the old filter. Depending on the filter type, you may need to use a special tool to release it.

Then, place the new filter into the heating system and make sure it sets. You can use your screwdriver to secure it in place. Replace any screws or covers removed during the process.

Our Berea, KY, Furnace Maintenance Team

Our Berea, Kentucky, furnace maintenance team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We will quickly schedule an appointment and get to work.

Watson Heating & Air offers multiple pricing options to fit your budget. We also offer several financing plans to help you plan for your furnace repair or replacement. Our financing options are interest-free.

Call Us When you need a qualified professional to install your water heater or furnace

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Below are some of the most frequent questions homeowners ask us about our furnace tune-up services.

  • What Does Heater Maintenance Include?

    A furnace tune-up includes many tasks designed to keep your furnace running effectively. One of the principal parts of a furnace tune-up is the safety check.

    A safety check is when our technicians will inspect your furnace for any potential safety hazards. A malfunctioning heating system can be a fire hazard. Another critical part of a furnace tune-up is the efficiency check. This examination is where our technicians will check your furnace to make sure it is operating at peak efficiency. If your furnace is not running at its maximum potential, it will use more energy and cost you more money to run.

    Our technicians will also clean your furnace during a tune-up. Doing so helps remove any dirt or debris that could cause problems with your furnace.

    In addition to these tasks, our technicians will inspect your blower motor, burner, heat exchanger, and flue pipe. If these parts are not in good condition, they can lead to costly repairs.

  • When Is the Best Time of Year to Get a Furnace Tune-Up?

    We generally recommend that homeowners schedule furnace tune-ups in the fall before the cold weather arrives. Doing so gives our technicians time to make any necessary repairs or adjustments before you have to use the furnace.

    However, there are some circumstances where it may be beneficial to have a furnace tune-up at a different time of year. For example, if the furnace is new, it may be wise to have a professional inspect it in the spring or summer before beginning heavy use. Doing so can help ensure that your heater is ready for the winter.

Heating Maintenance Near Me

Do you need heating maintenance for your Berea, KY home? If so, call Watson Heating & Air at (859) 695-3950 to schedule a furnace tune-up. Our licensed contractors can complete heater maintenance tune-ups within a couple of hours and ensure that your home has sufficient heat to stay comfortable during cold Kentucky winters.



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