Heat Pump Installation

Watson Heating & Air

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#1 for Heat Pump Installation in Richmond, KY With 5-Star Reviews

There's nothing like playing outside on a hot summer day and then retreating into cool, well-tempered indoor air. On the other hand, cold winters make an evening in your warm home the perfect opportunity for family bonding.

Installing a quality HVAC system ensures your home's climate control remains optimal throughout the entire year. During hot summers and cold winters in Richmond, KY, you want to know that your system will provide the proper levels of cooling or heating to keep your family comfortable indoors.

Call Watson Heating & Air at 859-625-0081 for quality heat pump installation in Richmond, KY. Our experienced technicians have the knowledge and tools to install and maintain quality HVAC systems in your home.

What Is a Heat Pump, and What Types of Heat Pumps Are Available for My Madison County Home?

Heat pumps are different from air conditioning systems or gas furnaces. While air conditioners primarily cool your home and gas furnaces heat it, heat pumps combine the functions of both these systems with the ability to cool and heat your home to your exact temperature preferences. Due to their many functions, heat pumps are ideal HVAC systems for houses that require cooling and heating throughout the year.

Deciding to install a heat pump in your home is not just as simple as enlisting Madison County's premier heat pump installation service with Watson Heating & Air. Before calling our expert technicians, it's essential to understand the different types of heat pumps and how they each uniquely provide your home with ideal climate control.

Air-Source Heat Pump

As one of the most common heat pumps, air-source heat pumps bring in air from the outside and distribute it through your home. Air-source systems are more energy-efficient heat pumps and safer than furnaces or boilers.

Since they don't require combustible gasses to provide adequate heating, you can temper your home while avoiding gas leaks. You can install air source heat pumps in ductless and ducted systems, making them an excellent option for any home with an existing HVAC system.

Geothermal Heat Pump

As its name implies, geothermal heat pumps use the temperature of the ground under your home to provide heating or cooling, depending on the season. Our expert technicians install piping under your home during geothermal heat pump installation that circulates water to power climate control. 

Since underground temperatures typically stay around 50 Fahrenheit regardless of season, water running through geothermal heat pumps is heated or cooled from this starting point to temper your home appropriately.

Water-Source Heat Pump

Water-source heat pumps are most similar to air-source pumps in that they heat water from a resource like a well or other body of water to supply heating and cooling to your home.

Unlike geothermal pumps, where water runs through the system's piping, the water in this heat pump surrounds the system's pipes. The surrounding water then heats or cools based on your needs to provide the appropriate climate control for your home. Water source heat pumps might be the right choice for any Richmond, KY, home near a well or other significant water source.

Mini-Split Heat Pump

Mini-split heat pumps are excellent for homes with a furnace or boiler system. This ductless heat pump installation separates different areas in a house and can provide custom climate control to each room simultaneously through indoor units. Because of their high levels of customization, mini-split heat pumps are especially popular in recent years.

While these systems can augment an existing HVAC system in your home, they can also function independently to provide cooling and heating. The mini-split heat pump could be the right choice if your family has different temperature preferences, or you want to save money and energy by limiting airflow in specific rooms when your family is sleeping

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Heat Pump Installation Cost

While you might be excited about the prospects of custom climate control for your, you might also have concerns about the heat pump installation cost. At Watson Heating & Air, we believe that it is vital for every family to have optimal indoor climate control throughout the year.

Our flexible payment options will ensure that your family can afford the system you want and deserve. With so many different designs available, there are ample options for high-end or affordable heat pump installation.

Heat Pump Installer Near Me

If you're looking for, “Heat pump installers near me,” in Richmond, KY, look no further than Madison County's premier service: Watson Heating & Air. Our experienced technicians can provide quality service for any of your heating, cooling, or ventilation needs for both residential and commercial properties.

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